Download Lowongan Kerja Administrasi&Teknisi di Bandar Lampung graphic type that can be scaled to use with the Silhouette Cameo or Cricut. An SVG's size can be increased or decreased without a loss of quality. All of our downloads include an image, Silhouette file, and SVG file. It should be everything you need for your next project. Our SVG files can be used on adhesive vinyl, heat transfer and t-shirt vinyl, or any other cutting surface
Lowongan Kerja Administrasi&Teknisi di Bandar Lampung - Bagi anda yang tengah mencari informasi lowongan kerja di Lampung, berikut Kami memposting Lowongan Kerja Administrasi&Teknisi di Bandar Lampung.
1. Teknisi
2. Administrasi
1. Min. SMA/sederajat
2. Pria (1) Wanita (2)
3. Singel, usia maka 22th
4. Memiliki kendaraan R2 dan SIM C
5. Bersedia bekerja dg target
6. Bersedia bekerja lembur
7. Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas keluar daerah
8. Pekerja keras dan kreatif
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Download Lowongan Kerja Administrasi&Teknisi di Bandar Lampung All SVG file downloads also come bundled with DXF, PNG, and EPS file formats. All designs come with a small business commercial license. These SVG cut files are great for use with Silhouette Cameo or Cricut and other Machine Tools.